Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I've often lacked focus.

I was diagnosed "hyperactive" at seven. I flit from one thing to another.  My life is run by a series of to do lists and reminders on scraps of paper, in my phone or scribbled hastily on my hand.

I don't watch tv. I watch tv, while playing a game, reading a book and having a conversation.

I often wake up in the middle of the night to make myself a list of things not to forget.

I changed my major in college three times and still questioned if that was my "final answer".


I have so many things going through my brain at any given moment that I often lose sight of what is most important.  I can't see the forest through the trees because I'm too busy looking at the leaves. And the birds. And the trail. All at the same time.

It's not a symphony of well orchestrated notes.  It's a cacophony of unrelated ideas crashing upon each other loudly for dominance.  As you can imagine, I don't sleep well.


Lately, I've found myself so mired in the everyday struggles of my life that I have lost focus on what is truly important. 

But now it's time to focus.  Focus on what I can change, accept what I can't and enjoy the journey through the forest again.  Ignore the leaves that are all over the floor.  Tune out the birds that are arguing loudly. Follow the trail that I am on and enjoy the view.


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