Thursday, July 15, 2010


Sometimes I just don't want to be the big girl with the big girl job. Sometimes I want to be carefree and silly. Sometimes I just want to run through the sprinklers.

It's 107° degrees today in Rancho. The hottest day we've had so far in an uncharacteristically cool Southern California summer. Although my office is so cold I often have to wear a sweatshirt, outside it is sweltering. Dangerous heat index. Minimize outdoor exposure. No strenuous activity. But outside is where the fun is. Outside is where I want to be. At least for the moment.

Today, this is where and who I am. Flip flops, jeans, tank top, sunglasses. Casual. Silly, laughing, having fun. Enjoying the life I am making for us, taking time out to appreciate the moments and realizing that it's OK to be silly... sometimes.

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