Thursday, September 2, 2010

peanut, peanut butter and jelly

OK who am I kidding? The only reason for the existence of the apple or the banana or the wheat bread, for that matter, is to get the delicious peanut buttery goodness into my tummy. Peanut butter is by far one of my favorite foods. It satisfies my need for something sweet, salty, crunchy, fatty and rich all in one bite. Face it, it's one of the most perfect foods there is.

I can remember, as a kid, watching my dad devour half a loaf of white bread slathered in peanut butter. And, it wasn't uncommon to see him dive into a jar with a spoon (much to my mother's horror) -- no bread needed. So why, do I feel compelled to sully the perfection of peanut butter with all these extras? Why indeed.

My dad and I were a lot like PB & J. We could get along pretty well in small quantities but we did better apart. He's come to mind a lot lately... peanut butter, food trucks, Saturday morning cartoons, reruns, crossword puzzles. All things that make ME smile that I "inherited" a love of, from him. Last night, I dropped my notions of propriety and dove in, spoon first. As I sat on the couch decadently enjoying my treat, I couldn't help but think... THIS would make my dad smile.

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