Thursday, October 4, 2012

I've been 'bagel holed'

I have some stellar ideas.  Not all of them are good, I admit it.  Sometimes I'm a bit like Lucy Ricardo.  OK... a lot.  But every once in a while, I have an epiphany.  An idea that has the potential to change the world.  Or at least my world.

Usually, these brilliant nuggets involve food because, honestly, food is what I think about most of the time.

So, let me tell you the story of the Bagel Hole.

About 20 years ago, we were sitting around one night talking and I innocently asked, "If they make donut holes, why don't they make bagel holes? What happens to all the holes?"  That discussion led to me developing an entire marketing plan to open franchises of bagel hole locations.  You could buy holes in many flavors.  A bevy of dipping sauces.  I could see it all.  Millions of people walking through malls and airports, dunking bagel holes.  It was brilliant.  So why can't you buy these tasty treats? Here's why.
  1. We discovered very early on in the test kitchen that neither Eric nor I had a knack for making bagels - let alone holes.
  2. I have the attention span of a gnat and I quickly lost focus and drive and moved onto another venture.
So why do I tell you this?

A few years ago, Eric texted me a picture of Thomas' Bagel Holes available for sale in the grocery store!  They had stolen MY idea!  The audacity! It became our private joke for anytime someone "stole" our idea.  "It's bagel holes all over again!"

It happened again this morning - also food related - also a text from my husband.

Now, don't get me started on squeeze ketchup!